Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) Awards

H2F Injury Control Director

For outstanding meritorious service while serving as the H2F Injury Control Director from September 2020 to June 2024, CPT Wilson helped build the 18th FA BDE H2F program from the ground up. He designed the Reforge Performance Center, greatly enhancing the Injury Control team's space and capabilities by 5 times over. He implemented running education clinics across the Brigade, decreasing running-related injuries by 72% over 6 months. Furthermore, he launched several initiatives to improve access to care, including walk-in clinics, mobility and body region classes, and Tune Up Tuesdays. He maintained 100% accountability of over $250,000 worth of human performance equipment. As OIC for Reforge and P3T, CPT Wilson rehabilitated Soldiers with musculoskeletal injuries and helped Soldiers achieve an average 1-year postpartum ACFT score of 540. CPT Wilson's actions reflect great credit upon himself.

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