o remained on station while Cat-5 hurricane passed overhead; courage saved over $1,000,000 in comm equipment and preserved mission

o manned radios continuously for 14 hours; received call from lost patrol; saved lives of six-man team

o braved showers of sparks and impending explosion to tighten high-voltage connection; saved battery bank and entire DCSS

o accepted responsibility for most difficult aspect of mission; no task is too stressful or great; my most capable troop

o dedicated to the mission and unit success; ensured soldiers were taken care of and prepared for their duties

o used time wisely; prepared for all eventualities; ready for and completed all assigned tasks ahead of schedule

o volunteered for additional duties to ensure mission accomplishment; superb team player

o exhibited the highest standards of loyalty and personal courage; set example for subordinates and peers

o worked until the mission was completed; a dependable asset that is the definition of readiness

o seized every opportunity to contribute to the workcenter; increased maintenance effectiveness across the board

o demonstrated patience, competence, and commitment; trained and shop-qualified all three subordinates

o shared experience gained during Joint exercise with other section members; multiplied section expertise

o sacrificed his personal time to accept additional duties; sustained operations despite manning shortage

o exhibited the highest standards of loyalty and personal courage; the only member to report accurate numbers

o possessed the courage to voice his opinion and stand up for what is right; influenced return to normal duty hours

o places the Army, the mission, and subordinates first, before his own personal interests

o motivated and honest, dedicated to the Army, committed to its mission

o absolutely dedicated to the mission and unit success

o self-motivated; willing to go the distance

o sets the example for taking initiative and accepting responsibility

o consistently makes things happen with positive results

o sets superb example for subordinates

o is both competent and dependable

o enjoys challenges no matter how difficult

o displayed an outstanding devotion to duty

o executes all assigned goals or missions efficiently, regardless of difficulty

o works long hours ensuring soldiers are taken care of

o goes the extra mile to complete the job

o is the best Operations Sergeant I have ever encountered

o willing to spend additional effort and time to accomplish all assigned tasks

o can be relied on to successfully complete all assignments

o can be depended on to perform under the most extreme circumstances

o extremely reliable and industrious, performs extremely well under pressure

o utterly dependable under all circumstances

o exhibits a high level of esprit de corps, which influences his section

o instilled a sense of pride within his section

o conducts himself as a well groomed senior NCO

o takes the initiative and makes things happen

o works diligently until the mission is completed

o works until the job is accomplished

o superior job performance all around

o attains results regardless of the mission or tasks

o always gives 100% to ensure mission accomplishment

o dedicated to mission accomplishment

o outstanding problem solver; dynamic planner and organizer

o a real team player; makes positive contributions

o committed to excellence and exudes quality in all actions and assigned tasks

o focuses on mission accomplishment with superior results

o professional conduct above reproach

o remained flexible and cooperative under any condition

o executed all tasks with vigor and integrity

o seeks out new and difficult challenges and responsibilities

o exhibits the skill, temperament, and reliability of a true professional

o driven to succeed by self-motivation and strong sense of purpose

o accepts all challenges and responsibilities without hesitation

o exercised mature judgment and meticulous attention to detail

Needs Improvement

o Soldier posesses key leadership traits but continually fails to self-improve HT/WT standards

o failed to report on multiple occasions

o sometimes requires supervison or encouragement to execute duties

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