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Overall Performance. The rater comments on the NCO's performance during the rated period.
o SPC Huett's skill, competence, and leadership played a vital role in the success of his platoon and company missions
o proved to be an agile, resilient, adaptive NCO who leveraged his critical thinking skill for the greater good of the organization; consistently outperformed his peers in every aspect of leadership
o proven invaluable to Battalion operations while demonstrating that he operates at a higher level
o performance rivals that of SFCs serving in similar positions and exceeds all the other SSGs within the company
o proven himself to be in the top 10% of all Staff Sergeants I have rated
o displayed paramount dedication to his Soldiers and the mission; his competency was unquestionable
o accomplished all assigned tasks with little guidance from the command
o exceeded the performance standards for any task he was given
o met the standard expected from all NCOs in the Company
o his professional conduct met the standard for others to follow
o SGT XXXX utilizes common sense and initiative while performing duties in a professional manner; a success-driven NCO that thrives on completing challenging tasks to the standard
o she ranks in the top 5% of all senior leaders I've served with in 25 years of service; she orchestrated innovative ways to motivate all staff members to accomplish USMEPCOM's mission
o epitome of service and relationships; her ability to utilize organizational structure, resources, and culture to the command's advantage improved the overall efficiency of the unit
o consistently sought self-improvement, assignment to positions of greater responsibility would be beneficial to any organization
o exceptional leader devoted to the unit's training mission; promote ahead of peers to First Sergeant; best Sergeant First Class that I have ever rated
o send to Sergeants Major Academy immediately
o demonstrated superior planning and execution skills; position this NCO where he can make the greatest influence
o highly motivated professional with unlimited potential; strives to achieve best operational and training practices
o without a doubt, a consummate team player, coach and trainer
o excellent instructional abilities; motivated and self-confident NCO who consistently performs high quality training
o must be allowed to demonstrate his limitless potential
o effective Staff Sergeant in a demanding strategic environment
o promote to SFC when eligible
o promote to Master Sergeant now and appoint as First Sergeant; a true professional who's always in the middle of our most critical processes
o superb performance in finding a balance when confronted with a multitude of tasks, this NCO will no doubt produce successful results under stressful conditions
o a pentathlete NCO who can be challenged with the most senior positions in the AMEDD
o promote to Master Sergeant now; assign as a First Sergeant now
o continue to send to career enhancing courses
o the total NCO; performed Platoon Sergeant and First Sergeant duties simultaneously with superior results
o a strong leader who successfully demands and receives the highest standards of excellence from NCOs and Soldiers; unequivocally devoted to Soldier development
o clearly capable of serving with distinction in the most demanding and critical assignments requiring a Senior Noncommissioned Officer
o unlimited potential; challenge this consummate NCO with all future assignments and missions
o has a Senior Leaders Course date; continue to groom for Senior Leadership positions
o effective, energetic and optimistic; a strong NCO with unlimited potential
o promote immediately to MSG and capitalize on this NCO's dedication to leading and mentoring Soldiers
o possesses the knowledge and dedication to perform in the most demanding positions; will excel where others only succeed
o leadership abilities are advanced far beyond current pay grade/rank
o few soldiers are as respected by their superiors, peers and subordinates
o has the ability to make his soldiers want to learn and excel in all areas
o must promote to Master Sergeant now and send to the First Sergeant's course immediately
o a superb NCO with unlimited potential; place in positions of greater responsibility
o an excellent performance by a superior NCO, leader and mentor; a selfless team player
o unequaled talent, competence, efficiency and multi-tasking ability; an irreplaceable asset for any team
o an exceptionally talented and gifted NCO, he consistently broke through impediments and produced superb results
o a multitasker whose experience, professionalism, work ethic, and drive for excellence increased unit readiness significantly
o this NCO is already at the First Sergeant level; groom now for Sergeant Major
o performance and decision making abilities are that of a senior NCO
o very capable Senior NCO who can always be trusted to complete any mission
o sets and achieves high personal standards
o a dynamic performer and multifunctional NCO who is sought out across the Command for his extraordinary leadership capabilities
o outstanding individual performance; select for Command Sergeant Major
o unlimited potential, will succeed in the toughest jobs
o dedication to mission is unequalled; remains unflappable and productive under stressful situations
o always mission oriented; thorough analytical skills; articulate in written and spoken communications
o do not promote, has unlimited potential to excel in positions requiring great technical skill with no leadership responsibility
o recognized as the best supply sergeant in battalion
o innovative NCO, not afraid of risks in order to improve mission results
o unlimited potential for positions of increased responsibility
o highly skilled and dedicated professional, performs far beyond expectations;outstanding asset to the unit
o promote immediately; send to First Sergeant course
o unique and rare talent; promote now ahead of peers
o a confident leader that is dedicated to ensuring his soldiers are well trained
o epitomizes what every NCO should be: aggressive, intelligent, professional
o managed Soldiers' schedules and technical skills resulting in 99% patrol reliability rate
o is technically and tactically proficient
o a rare mix of intelligence and initiative; consistently achieves excellent results across a broad range of responsibilities
o always took a no-nonsense approach and stated opinion in a straight forward manner
o taking care of soldiers and superiors is his number one priority
o flexible and versatile leader with unbounded potential, ready to assume 1SG responsibilities!
o multi-talented and accomplished leader and soldier
o a real team player
o excellent technical abilities; motivated and self-confident Soldier; consistently performs high quality work
o displays unlimited potential
o hard working, versatile NCO. Quickly workcenter qualified. Challenge with more responsibilities.
o this SGT has a vast amount of knowledge
o promote and make First Sergeant now; he's ready to run his own company now
o physically fit; in tremendous condition; will succeed
o absolutely superior NCO; excelled in job performance, community service and leadership--promote at once
o always excels as a soldier and a leader
o willing to learn and grow
o can handle any position; held Platoon Sergeant and Section NCOIC position simultaneously with great success
o unlimited potential; continue to assign to tough positions of increased responsibility
o unequaled selfless service to duty
o select for First Sergeant now; groom for Command Sergeant Major
o assign as a platoon sergeant now, his knowledge will enhance unit's ability to accomplish all missions
o genuine concern and unselfish dedication to duty
o demonstrates the ability for increased responsibility at the platoon level
o select for ANCOC and promote immediately
o selected as top performer of the quarter for 3rd Quarter 2007; displayed leadership, professionalism
o this NCO needs no supervision
o consistently perform above standards; achieves outstanding results
o NCO's otherwise adequate performance was impacted due to his failure to meet Army Body Composition Program standards
o adequate performance from a motivated NCO
o accomplished all assigned tasks with some guidance from the command
o demonstrated the competency expected of a NCO in his current grade
o completed assigned tasks on time and put forth adequate effort; duties and responsibilities met leader expectations
o performance met expectations for a NCO in his current grade and position
o lacked critical thinking in situations that required out-of-the-box thinking or innovation
o failed to seek guidance on how to complete multiple tasks; resulted in numerous delays and missed suspenses
o within the bottom third of NCOs I have previously rated
o SGT XXXX consistently failed to perform the duties and tasks required at his rank; incapable of handling even menial tasks without direct supervision
o needed some help to meet deadlines; could have benefited from delegating, prioritization and multitasking
o NCO's otherwise great performance was severely impacted due to his lapse in judgement during rating period; failed to uphold the Army Values
o with detailed instruction and supervision Soldier can accomplish assigned tasks
o unlimited potential; needs to work on his leadership and problem solving before executing duties of greater responsibility
o has potential, with more experience, to excel as a leader
o maintains professionalism and poise; performance is sometimes above average, but has a lack of loyalty and respect for superiors
o a technical SME and a great asset for training, but demonstrates a lack of morale in this Unit. May perform better in another Command.
o promote when NCOES is complete
o lacks personal drive to lead soldiers or accomplish tasks
o maintain at current position; personal life events have lowered morale within his section
o failed to set the example for his Soldiers to follow during this rated period
o disobeyed a direct order from the SSA Accountable Officer
o failed to comply with instructions given to him from the chain of command
o do not recommend for promotion at this time, with further mentorship and training this Soldier may be ready for greater responsibility
o performance is sometimes above average but erratic; undependable and cannot not rely on for unsupervised assignments
o NCO is not a contributing member of the U.S. Army; do not retain and remove from positions of responsiblity immediately
o NCO consistently fails to perform the duties required at his rank; incapable of handling even menial tasks without direct supervision (MAB)
o needs to develop his technical skills before advancing to the next grade with duties of greater responsibility
o maintains professionalism and poise, but lacks motivation to lead
o resists change and is unable to adjust or be flexible
o does not prefer to be in a leadership position, does not command respect from subordinates
o performance is sometimes above average but erratic and undependable, could not rely on unambiguous assignments
o keep with troops so our Soldiers can benefit from his leadership and selfless service
o rater was relieved during rating period
o promote to Staff Sergeant with peers; continue to groom as squad leader
o send to Advance Leaders Course when slot is available
o performs at expected levels, does not distinguish himself from his peers
o promote to SFC if slots are available, send to ALC immediately
o promote at the convenience of the Army
o unable to report to work on time and needs constant supervision. Retention is not advised.
o SSG Smith is uncooperative with leadership and fails to understand the difference between "taking care of troops" and following orders. His combative attitude is counter-productive and a liability to this Command.
o resists suggestions for improvement and actively works against the orders of his superiors
o put forward much effort but unable to progress; consider reclassification
o not fit for this type of activity, exhibits a negative attitude and should be disqualified
o has the potential to be an excellent technician but is often careless with...
o cannot work with his peers and is counter-productive
o allowed the pressure of family issues to affect her performance. Recommend release from duties and counseling until such time she can resume work without endangering others.
o despite increasing assistance and training, he continues to have serious difficulty completing assigned tasks, recommend reclassification
o lacks experience and fails to understand the importance of advancement
o unable to adjust to deployment or the diverse demands of a joint environment
o probably the worst performer in our Command
o failed to meet Brigade standards and should not be retained
o demonstrated a lack of skill in some duties, has potential, should double training efforts
o does not comply with regulations and is a threat to the safety of this battery. Recommend discharge at earliest opportunity.
New Rater examples posted daily.