o made certain Soldiers received effective and progressive counseling geared towards career progression and self-improvement; encouraged Soldiers to lead by example

o maintained 100% accountability of all assigned communications equipment and maintenance materials without any incidents; required same attentiveness of all Soldiers

o displayed distinct character and calm demeanor under various stressful situations to learn and adapt to all duties; maximizing all personnel resources to their fullest

o accurately and completely conveyed weekly range training, status, locations, and utilization reports during command meetings and briefings for decision processes

o sought out responsibility for conducting inmate sample collections of DNA from required convicted offenders resulting in 100% accuracy of the CODIS database

o in two month time frame, assumed duties as SSD NCOIC, increased completion rate by 6% and enrollment rate by 10%

o took responsibility for logistical services to ensure that the team's class I and class II needs were met consistently and in a timely manner

o encouraged Soldiers to enroll in college courses and to complete their SSD courses

o assumed a previously neglected property book and maintained 100 percent accountability of over $460,000 worth of MTOE equipment and installation property

o balanced the company's property book through lateral transfers and property turn-in valued at over $12 million; maintained 22 hand receipts with zero losses

o restocked and issued over $40,000 worth of basic issue items; increased the unit's efficiency and overall readiness

o encouraged his soldiers to complete self development courses by setting the example and being one of the first SFCs in the unit to complete SSD level 4

o assisted in developing India SOP for pre-mission due-outs; which enables future teams the ability to coodinate for further missions

o maintained the stringent accountability of all team equipment during 12-2VM; redeploying with 100% of all assigned equipment

o managed over 17 million dollars of organizational equipment and over 3 million dollars worth of Theater Provided Equipment while deployed as the supply sergeant

o inventoried over 80 containers for a 248 bed Combat Support Hospital and Minimal Care Detachment saving the Army over $29,000,000

o takes the responsibility of a Squad Leader with the highest degree of maturity achieved 100% in all tasks performed during this rating period

o has outstanding organizational and planning skills; maximizes use of limited resources and time to achieve beyond standard results

o developed the Brigade's safety standard; received exemplary ratings during the Department of the Army Inspector General inspection of the BDE

o vital to the daily operation of the FARP that issued more than 450,000 gallons of fuel during hot refueling of eleven UH-60s and three foreign aircraft without incident

o assisted in maintaining accountability of over $37 million worth of radar and ancillary equipment without loss or damage

o enforces education which has lead to his section completing over 100 hours of correspondence courses and 2 college courses

o ensured the Soldiers of his section has completed Structured Self Development Level I in perparation for WLC

o maintained 100% property accountability of section equipment and maintained all hand receipts and files to an error free standard during this rating period

o placed the mission above himself while producing excellent results in the Battalion's Daily Personnel Status Reports with little to no guidance; a trait for others to emulate

o always ensured that his Soldiers understood the importance of accounting for their personal and office equipment; resulted in zero losses during this rating period

o instrumental in every aspect of planning, organizing, and facilitating the relocation of the XX office consisting of 100+ personnel and accompanying equipment

o deployed his platoon of four NCOs and 22 Soldiers in support of Operation New Dawn without any serious incidents or accidents

o often sacrificed his personal off duty time to improve his knowledge of the COIC's operational procedures to become a more efficient team member

o his focused emphasis on ammunition forecasting and availability is directly responsible for the 100% validation and recertification of 247 DODICs of STRAC& OPLOAD Ammo

o proudly represented the Army in this joint service position; adapted quickly to new duties and responsibilities

o accepted challenges with no hesitation; never retreated from opportunities of greater responsibility

o implemented quarterly leader checks; resulted in 100% accountability and serviceability of $5 million worth of equipment and facilities with zero loss

o did not linger on Soldier deficiencies; concentrated on Soldier potential by promoting development and learning in a beneficial environment

o a conscientious soldier who expects the highest ethical standards from his soldiers and himself

o responsible for the accountability of over $300,000 worth of sensitive items and Soldiers Rapid Fielding Initiative items in a forward deployed area

o maintained complete accountability for his subordinates and himself

o ensured 100% accountability of all protocol equipment, flags and vehilces all valued at over $200,000 without loss or damage

o encourages the best from his soldiers; all his soldiers enrolled in courses for higher education

o his platoon maintained accident free year

o coordinated the chassis re-alignment of over 100 vehicles and military equipment to promote greater combat performance

o created a climate in which soldiers were encouraged to learn and grow

o maintained thorough accountability of unit's Class IX budget; eliminated waste

o helps soldiers develop skills through timely advice, guidance and counseling

o established and maintained high standards for barracks maintenance

o saved the ARMY well in excess of $100,000 by sustaining serviceability of various vehicle components

o encouraged his Soldiers to continue formal education to improve their future opportunities, resulted in 100% enrolling in college courses

o constantly implements changes to improve unit operations and efficiency

o takes responsibility for good, bad, right, and wrong; makes no excuses

o takes responsibility for his actions no matter the circumstance

o drove over 5,000 miles in a combat environment without a safety related incident or damage to equipment

o actively encourages off duty education and professional growth in subordinates

o inspires growth and advancement in subordinates

o an ethical standard bearer that the command believes in and listens to

o ensures all equipment is on hand and serviceable

o encourages subordinates to continue their formal education for advancement

o selected as Water Points NCO for Special Forces Warrior Challenge, flawlessly planned and executed mission resulting in 350 runners hydration needs met

o selected over numerous NCOs throughout the BN to become the BN Advance Motorcycles Rider's Course Instructor, successfully certified 15 Soldiers

o completed Structured Self Development 4; sought self improvement while enhancing his overall technical and tactical knowledge

Responsibility and accountability are the proper care and use of personnel, equipment, and funds. Maintenance of weapons, vehicles, and equipment is a special Soldier responsibility because of its importance to the success of all Army missions. It includes the inspection of Soldiers' equipment, making Soldiers accountable for repairs and losses, and learning how to use and maintain all assigned equipment. It's making time for inventories and being aware of equipment status and taking action to repair or replace substandard equipment. It means being aware of where each soldier is, their condition and health, where they and their family live, and their general well-being. It involves the continuous assessment of the working environment to ensure safe working conditions in order to keep the level of accidents, injuries, and equipment damage as low as possible. Responsibility and accountability are also the provision of a healthy working climate in which Soldiers are encouraged to learn and develop their skills, free from sexual, racial, or gender bias or discrimination. And Soldiers must accept responsibility for and stand behind their, and their subordinates, decisions and actions.

Personal Responsibility Adjectives

Accountable, Conscientious, Careful, Cooperative, Consistent, Committed, Conservative, Cautious, Courageous, Diligent, Dedicated, Diplomatic, Dependable, Essential, Earnest, Efficient, Effective, Experienced, Involved, Loyal, Mature, Persuasive, Productive, Positive, Professional, Protective, Proactive, Reliable, Resourceful, Responsible, Sober, Selfless, Stable, Staunch, Supportive, Trustworthy, Understanding, Unyielding, Wise

Needs Improvement NCOER Bullets

o current level of responsibility is too great

o habitually late with irresponsible excuses

o failed to live up to his obligations by not returning to his unit after he completed his replacement detachment duty

o displays a lack of respect for superiors creating dissention in ranks lowering unit morale

o needs improvement on training soldiers

o failure to maintain accurate inventory delayed deployment

o follows orders under supervision but cannot be relied on to comply with orders without guidance

o works well under supervision but needs to develop self-discipline and work independently

o needs to realize importance of performing daily tasks and the effects of ignoring them

o is uncooperative when corrected and displays a consistent lack of interest in section goals

o his failure to follow orders led to the loss of his security clearance and now section is undermanned and unable to meet quota

o cannot be depended on and is frequently late for shift. Recommend remedial training.

o reported to work under the influence of alcohol and was unable to execute his duties as...

o was entrusted with our most critical and essential tasks but disappointed his mentors

o cannot be relied upon to maintain production rate in the absence of supervision

o cannot be trusted to oversee safe delivery of...must be supervised at all times

o was and is negligent in meeting his responsibilities causing numerous obstacles to mission accomplishment

o failure to supervise subordinates or follow procedures resulted in the loss of $2,000 worth of equipment

o unexcused absence from duty left soldiers unsupervised

o fails to understand the importance of his duties, takes advantage of every situation to avoid responsibility

o demonstrated little regard for the security and accountability of sensitive items during deployments

o wasted rations quota and now squad is under-equipped

Monday, 16-Sep-2024 21:43:31 EDT

New Responsibility examples posted daily.

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