o received Battalion Safety NCO Award for his constant and meticulous attention to safety details during training exercises

o developed Range and RSO SOP's for mission requirement due-outs; which enables future RSO and OICs the ability to coordinate for successful missions

o ensured subordinates weapons, equipment and vehicles were serviceable and mission ready

o fostered an environment for professional growth; organization of monthly Soldier and NCO boards resulted in the recommendation of 6 out of 7 Soldiers for promotion

o maintained strict accountability and supervision of MTOE equipment valued in excess of $700,000 without loss or damage

o his meticulous attention to detail ensured that all section tactical vehicles remained fully mission capable throughout the rated period

o ensured 100% of assigned equipment was properly maintained resulting in no loss of mission capability during field training exercises

o led by example and encouraged equal treatment and opportunity for all Soldiers by improving morale and increased understanding of and support for SHARP policies

o maintained 100% accountability of 402 lines of the BN's shop stock valued at $636,000; extremely vital in maintaining the BN's overall readiness rate of 98%

o oversaw the requisitioning and issuing of over $2 million of CLIX parts; maintained 100% on monthly reconciliation with the Group Supply Support Activity (SSA)

o ensured his Soldiers understood the importance of accounting for their personal and office equipment valued $1 million; resulted in zero losses during this rating period

o as Retention NCO, assisted his/her 1SG with retention interviews resulting in an over 90% extention rate among eligible Soldiers

o cleared airspace for 10 fire missions with no collateral damage and controlled air assets for seven air assaults with no incidents in support of OEF 12-13

o ensured the safety of friendly troops and clearance of impact area as the observer for five calibration fire missions in OEF 12-13, resulting in all lots safely calibrated

o maintained 100% accountability of all assigned equipment valued at over $75,000 during OEF 12-13

o controlled the maintenance, issue and operation of $60,000 of classroom equipment, TADDS, SINGARS and tactical vehicles

o conducted tough realistic training in a stressful field environment for 180 Soldiers without serious accident or injury; always emphasized Warrior's safety

o always assumed full responsibility and accountability for own actions and those of subordinates; never made excuses

o created WLC Student database resulting in the academy saving 40% more resources per month; made academy self sufficient by reducing the need for contracting

o enforced strict dental laboratory infection control and safety standards preventing even a single reportable infection or safety incident during this rating period

o negotiated changes in local Afghani contracts that improved operational effectiveness or reduced cost

o NCOIC of Operations during several missions, considers alternative solutions and takes ownership of decisions

o tracks her soldiers' qualifications, arranges for additional training and encourages soldiers professional growth

o as squad leader, she regularly inspects her soldiers individual weapons and provides on the spot corrections where needed. Maintains 100% accountability of all sensitive items and backs up all inspections with timely, accurate reporting.

o oversaw and effectively maintained 100% accountability for the confidentiality of over 50,000 medical and dental records, and SRP packets

o task oriented and detail minded; completes assignments to the fullest while staying focused to make sound and thoughtful decisions

o coordinated with units to ensure adequate time to properly prep 1000 records weekly; initiative minimized screening time by 35% by eliminating wasted time

o takes responsibility for good, bad, right, and wrong; makes no excuses

o maintained accountability of over 4,000, buliding and approve work order for repairs

o responsible and accountable; a very dependable NCO

o assisted the platoon sergeant in conducting regular inventories enabling the identification and turn in of thousands of dollars of excess items

o developed and implemented a Driver's Training program for the unit which resulted in over 95% of the unit having military driver's licenses

o maintained 100% contact with 10 or more Soldiers living in 4 states through daily telephonic and occasional physical contact which resulted in no incidents in his squad

o procured and managed over $76K of Exercise Related Construction funds; effort ensured the health and life safety of US and Coalition forces during Joint Exercises

o maintained 100% accountability of the section's $700K property book

o established an effective working relationship within USARPAC that ranged from Soldiers, managers, supervisors, and professionals, to clerks and blue-collar workers

o signed for and maintained 100% accountability of $25 million worth of deployed equipment during OEF

o takes responsibility for good, bad, right, and wrong; makes no excuses

o saved the ARMY well in excess of $100,000 by sustaining serviceability of various vehicle components

o dedicated, hard working individual who shows his responsibility through the maintenance and condition of his assigned equipment

o encouraged his Soldiers to continue formal education to improve their future opportunities, resulted in 100% enrolling in college courses

o enforced high safety standards during Combat Logistics patrols, over 30,000 accident-free miles in a combat environment

o maintained 100% accountability of more than $1.5 million of equipment.

o brought the company into compliance with all OSHA, HAZMAT and safety regulations

o his safety program and enforcement resulted in accident-free training

o practiced conservation of supplies and funds which resulted in commendable supply inspections

o voluntarily conducted observations to assist fellow AIT instructors to achieve Senior Instructor status

o constantly maintained his training aids to standards between AIT classes

o oversaw use of over $1.7 million dollars worth of equipment, resulting in no loss or significant damage during combat operations

o maintained accountability and maintenance of over $6,000,000 worth of facilities and equipment

o always concerned with safety

o responsible and accountable; a very dependable NCO

o wise, efficient and prudent manager of resources

o promoted soldiers' development through innovative educational programs

o demands high standards for maintenance of military property

o continues to seek and accept responsibility

o suffered no injuries within his squad during 2 NTC rotations

o thrifty with all expendable supplies

o instilled the highest level of discipline and dedication to mission through maintenance resulting in 98% operational readiness

o safety-oriented during all phases of training; reduced risk to personnel during rehearsals

o received commendable ratings for physical security during Brigade Command Inspection

o maintained a 100% operational readiness rating on his M1A2 SEP main battle tank and M1114 HMMWV during OIF 04-06

o instilled safety consciousness, responsibility and integrity in soldiers

o created a climate that encourages soldiers to excel and meet every challenge

o sacrificed personal time to brief soldiers on career enhancement opportunities in today's Army

o demanded that security was maintained during all operations even in the most familiar surroundings; took safety seriously

Responsibility and accountability are the proper care and use of personnel, equipment, and funds. Maintenance of weapons, vehicles, and equipment is a special Soldier responsibility because of its importance to the success of all Army missions. It includes the inspection of Soldiers' equipment, making Soldiers accountable for repairs and losses, and learning how to use and maintain all assigned equipment. It's making time for inventories and being aware of equipment status and taking action to repair or replace substandard equipment. It means being aware of where each soldier is, their condition and health, where they and their family live, and their general well-being. It involves the continuous assessment of the working environment to ensure safe working conditions in order to keep the level of accidents, injuries, and equipment damage as low as possible. Responsibility and accountability are also the provision of a healthy working climate in which Soldiers are encouraged to learn and develop their skills, free from sexual, racial, or gender bias or discrimination. And Soldiers must accept responsibility for and stand behind their, and their subordinates, decisions and actions.

Personal Responsibility Adjectives

Accountable, Conscientious, Careful, Cooperative, Consistent, Committed, Conservative, Cautious, Courageous, Diligent, Dedicated, Diplomatic, Dependable, Essential, Earnest, Efficient, Effective, Experienced, Involved, Loyal, Mature, Persuasive, Productive, Positive, Professional, Protective, Proactive, Reliable, Resourceful, Responsible, Sober, Selfless, Stable, Staunch, Supportive, Trustworthy, Understanding, Unyielding, Wise

Needs Improvement NCOER Bullets

o current level of responsibility is too great

o habitually late with irresponsible excuses

o failed to live up to his obligations by not returning to his unit after he completed his replacement detachment duty

o displays a lack of respect for superiors creating dissention in ranks lowering unit morale

o needs improvement on training soldiers

o failure to maintain accurate inventory delayed deployment

o follows orders under supervision but cannot be relied on to comply with orders without guidance

o works well under supervision but needs to develop self-discipline and work independently

o needs to realize importance of performing daily tasks and the effects of ignoring them

o is uncooperative when corrected and displays a consistent lack of interest in section goals

o his failure to follow orders led to the loss of his security clearance and now section is undermanned and unable to meet quota

o cannot be depended on and is frequently late for shift. Recommend remedial training.

o reported to work under the influence of alcohol and was unable to execute his duties as...

o was entrusted with our most critical and essential tasks but disappointed his mentors

o cannot be relied upon to maintain production rate in the absence of supervision

o cannot be trusted to oversee safe delivery of...must be supervised at all times

o was and is negligent in meeting his responsibilities causing numerous obstacles to mission accomplishment

o failure to supervise subordinates or follow procedures resulted in the loss of $2,000 worth of equipment

o unexcused absence from duty left soldiers unsupervised

o fails to understand the importance of his duties, takes advantage of every situation to avoid responsibility

o demonstrated little regard for the security and accountability of sensitive items during deployments

o wasted rations quota and now squad is under-equipped

Wednesday, 15-Jan-2025 17:21:11 EST

New Responsibility examples posted daily.

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