Convoy NCOER Bullets

o provided indispensable support to the convoy detail responsible for safe and efficient transportation to and from Fort Sill

o filled an E-6 position as convoy commander; led 44 soldiers and 27 pieces of equipment in an organized and safe manner from home station to Camp Robinson for annual training; actions were key to a successful AT

o demonstrated reliability, situational awareness, and teamwork; moved all required equipment, supplies, and personnel for AT

o organized and executed the convoy mission despite several setbacks and personnel changes; reached its destination ahead of schedule

o ensured the secure and timely movement of personnel and equipment, thereby enhancing the unit's operational effectiveness

o conducted over 30 convoy missions into Iraq in support of Operation New Dawn; attention to detail and mission focus resulted in zero safety incidents and zero white truck breakdowns

o led the convoy; his vigilance facilitated unimpeded movement utilizing the share the road policy while maintaining the rules of engagement and escalation of force

o excelled at convoy preparation and provided commanders with exceptional guidance and experience

o tracked and maintained PMCSs up to date which greatly contributed to preventing unit vehicle failures and successful convoys

o managed and trained 275 soldiers in a convoy live fire exercise; boosted readiness and confidence in defensive capabilities

o provided expert oversight of convoy operations involving 68 military vehicles, traveling over 150 miles to Fort Sill

o served as convoy commander; ensured all 12 soldiers understood the roles of every position in the convoy for 8 successful convoy missions during STC

o maintained 100% positive accountability of 12 soldiers and $1M worth of equipment; ensured the safety of soldiers and security of transported supplies

o supervised convoy operations; ensured convoy vehicles' VIC systems were repaired in order for the vehicles to meet SP times

o tracked all of the 1175th Trans HET convoys from Kuwait to Iraq and back; guaranteed situational awareness and immediate response

o served as a Truck commander on a Convoy Security Team (CST); assessed numerous situations and develop the best avenue of approach

o led the convoy mission; stressed safety and ensured his troopers were highly trained in their respective roles and made the ROE second nature to them

o conducted over 40 convoy escort missions into Iraq in support of Operation New Dawn; as the truck commander in the scout truck he was the eyes and ears of the convoy

o tracked and managed convoy security missions traveling in or around United States Division-Central; reduced recovery mission delays by 80%

o advised Platoon Leadership on how to correctly and effiently provide Convoy Escort Teams to escort civilian trucks from Camp Virginia, Kuwait to both Camp Cedar and Camp Adder, Iraq

o filled in for personnel unable to go on convoy missions due to illness, schools, or injury; served as Gunner and Truck Commander on numerous occasions

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