Battery Operations Center (BOC) Chief

SSG XXX, between the dates of 04 to 07 November, successfully processed thirty-two dry fire missions during Scenario Training Exercises (STX) and six live fire missions to result in twenty-four M28A1 Reduced Range Practice Rockets (RRPRS) down range qualifying eight launcher crews and two Platoon FDCs on Artillery Table XII and Artillery Table XIV for the Deep Steel Battalion; Alpha Battery is now one of four Battery's in the United States Army qualified up to Artillery Table XIV.

SSG XXX was essential to the overall success of Alpha Battery during OPERATION RED FORGE at Yakima Training Center (YTC). As Battery Operations Center (BOC) Chief, he did an outstanding job in troubleshooting and maintaining voice and digital communications with the Battalion Fire Direction Center (FDC) as well as both Assassin Platoon FDCs for over fifty hours during operations. His technical and procedural knowledge exceeds that of his rank and grade and is an asset to the Deep Steel Battalion and Thunderbolt Brigade.

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