Eye Witness Statement for ARCOM with V Device

Classification note: This document is not classified. All names, dates, times, locations, and units have been changed and the operation name, Dark Anvil, is fictional. The classification S/ACCM (Secret /Alternative or Compensatory Control Measures) is listed here on this web site as an educational device. ACCM are security measures used to safeguard classified intelligence or operations when normal measures are insufficient to achieve strict need-to-know controls and where special access program (SAP) controls are not required. Documents with classified information must be protected.

Enclosure 2: Valorous Award Witness Statement.

(S/ACCM DARK ANVIL) I, SFC Rambo, was the Platoon Sergeant for 3rd Platoon Bravo Company and witnessed the following acts performed by SPC Pacino during the night of 25 April 2004.

(S/ACCM DARK ANVIL) While serving as the Company Commander of Bravo Company, 2nd Ranger Battalion, 66th Ranger Regiment, CPT Ima B. Famous engaged in a LOC interdiction mission along Highway 66 in northwestern Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom from 25 April 2004 to 10 May 2004. On the night of 25 April 2004, SPC Pacino was part of a patrol assigned to prevent enemy interdiction along the route used by friendly resupply and reinforcements in the area. The patrol divided into three blocking positions along Highway 66.

(S/ACCM DARK ANVIL) When an RPG and small arms attack struck the C2 section, I was located at the northernmost BP with my section. I responded to the attack by leading my section to take up the blocking position to the south and dispatched medical personnel to assist with the recovery of casualties. SPC Pacino was the first to respond and despite the threat to his own safety, ran to PFC Pyle and dragged him to a covered position. When I arrived at the command post, SPC Pacino was assisting the wounded, CPT Jack, SSG Nutz, and PFC Pyle from the impact area. As 1SG Doe established an organized CCP, SPC Pacino treated the casualties and attempted to treat the wounds of PFC Pyle. Between the time I arrived on the scene up to when the MEDEVAC aircraft took off, SPC Pacino directed assets to reestablish security and continue screening friendly movement north up the LOC, helped care for PFC Pyle, and coordinated with MEDEVAC elements. Throughout the entire evacuation, SPC Pacino's composure and command of the situation despite the continued enemy attack helped drive the MEDEVAC effort and saved lives.

//original signed//
Platoon Sergeant

Classification note: This document is not classified. All names, dates, times, locations, and units have been changed and the operation name, Dark Anvil, is fictional. The classification S/ACCM (Secret /Alternative or Compensatory Control Measures) is listed here on this web page as an educational device. ACCM are security measures used to safeguard classified intelligence or operations when normal measures are insufficient to achieve strict need-to-know controls and where special access program (SAP) controls are not required. Documents with classified information must be protected.

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