MOS 42A Human Resources Readiness NCOIC
Duty Descriptions

42A30 Human Resources Personnel Readiness NCOIC
Serves as a Human Resources (HR) Sergeant of a Light Infantry Brigade consisting of 6 battalions and a support company totaling over 3,900 personnel; establishes brigade S1 operations which includes but is not limited to, personnel management, personnel actions, NCOERs, OERs, promotions, leaves and passes, awards, finance operations, postal operations, casualty assistance, and R5 (reception, R&R, return-to-duty, replacement, redeployment) operations; responsible for the supervision, training and welfare of four Soldiers; responsible for ensuring Soldiers' safety both on and off duty.

42A3S Human Resources Readiness NCOIC
Serves as a Human Resources Readiness NCOIC for a Special Forces Group consisting of three Special Forces Battalions, a Group Support Battalion, and a Headquarters Company with an aggregate strength of 1,950 Special Operations Soldiers; responsible for the health, welfare, training and supervision of five junior enlisted Soldiers; Unit Status Report(USR), and Personnel Actions; responsible for the timely and accurate eMILPO transaction submissions, strength reporting, Command Inspection Program; accountable for $125,000 worth of office automation equipment.

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