MOS 88U Railway Specialist NCOER Bullets

o supervised rail operations that supported Spartan Brigade and China Battalion vehicle off-load into the Grafenwohr Training Area; key to exercise success

o received, staged, loaded, and tied down 300 pieces of equipment onto 84 rail cars during the Move Rail Operation FY24; accomplished 2 days ahead of schedule

o communicated with outside organizations at echelons above Battalion to coordinate necessary equipment; foresight was pivotal to the success of 3-15 Infantry's infill to EUCOM

o coordinated the efforts of 30 soldiers to find solutions for China Battalion; rose to the occasion and led soldiers to move hundreds of vehicles

o her actions during port and rail operations displayed outstanding initiative with minimal guidance and contributed to the success of China Battalion

o deployed as advance party at Grafenwohr; assisted in moving and maintaining over 40 vehicles for the Spartan Brigade and China Battalion

o conducted rail operations and arranged multiple convoys during which she drove vehicles when other drivers were unqualified or less experienced

o certified himself as brakemen 90 days ahead of schedule; ensured the safe movement of more than 200 tons of vital cargo

o volunteered to assist team for rail ops; marshalled equipment to the rail head, reduced movement delay by 10 hours

o facilitated the download of rail and reception of all equipment

o set up, managed, and brokedown the Brigade's Tactical Operations Center

o reconciled over 1,000 tally sheets, verified dimensions and ensured safe and sufficient loading

o uploaded and exported information to the scanners used during port, rail, and truck operations

o monitored and tracked over $$$$ containers, consisting of ### lbs. net weight of ammunation

o executed assigned tasks in a timely manner, despite little or no supervision

o quickly qualified in all positions from ground guides and safeties to rail and ship loading by crane to daily TOC operations

o served as a team NCOIC during Rail Head Operations; transported over 170 pieces of rolling stock across the country

o facilitated the download of rail and reception of all equipment; enabled the set up, management, and breakdown of Brigade's Tactical Operations Center

o monitored and tracked over 220 containers, consisting of 20,000 pounds net weight of ammunition; key to defense of AOR

o supervised rail operations at Fort Riley and the NTC in Fort Irwin; contributed to the rapid movement of vehicles and the ability to move combat power

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