Monthly Soldier Counseling StatementGood Job!

Duty Performance: PV2 ------, your duty performance for the month of February was not up to the standards that have been outlined for you. Being a new Soldier is not an excuse or a free pass to make careless mistakes. I understand that you're not perfect and I don't expect you to be. However, I do expect you to try your hardest and give 100% of your efforts to the paralegal tasks you are given and to your regular Soldier duties. Attention to detail is key in our work as paralegals. It is important that you pay attention and take pride in the products that you present. There are commanders and leaders at every level looking very closely at our work products.

Formations/Timeliness: You have been late more than once in the past month. You should never assume your presence is not required at your place of duty unless you are specifically told otherwise. You will report to all formations 10 minutes prior as outlined in your initial counseling. You will call me prior to the report time if you will be late for any reason.

Appearance: Over the past month, I have made several on the spot corrections regarding your appearance. I encourage you to get familiar with AR 670-1 so that you can be knowledgable about the wear and appearance standards that you will uphold.

Physical Fitness: Your hard work during our section PT sessions has not gone unnoticed. Keep up the good work.

Communication: During the month of February, there were incidents that could've been avoided if you had communicated with me. Every time I receive a text from you, I respond and will continue to do so. It is my duty to you, but I can only help if you communicate.

Self-Development: You are currently enrolled in correspondence courses and Structured Self Development Level I. That is excellent and I applaud you. Keep up the good work.

Personal Issues: Don't hesitate to come to me with any issues you may have. My door is always open and I will do my best to help you in any way I can. If I can't help you, I will point you in the right direction and ensure you get the help you need.

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