See also: Leads NCOER Bullets

The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can't blow an uncertain trumpet.
—Theodore M. Hesburgh

o executed duties as Master Resiliency Trainer for the company; over 100 Soldiers were trained and unit remained in compliance

o created and supervised ten weeks of tailored physical readiness training; leading to platoon improved physical fitness

o prepared five Soldiers for promotion board; resulting in four recommendations and one achieving BLC Commandant's List

o sought out by senior NCOs, superiors, and peers within the brigade, S-3 plans and current operations sections for advice and guidance concerning training and locations

o pursuit of excellence resulted in 100% training missions successes for the Brigade JOAX, FTX, and BCT JRTC rotations by securing land resources

o recovered a non-participating soldier to return to active status at drill and become a valuable team member during NTC rotation

o dedicated to volunteerism and community service; head of the football membership commitee which brought in over $8,000 in booster club memberships

o coordinated a leadership professional development staff ride for the section; his devotion to duty is always evident

o committed to fostering a climate of dignity and respect by supporting the Army's SHARP program

o appropriately handled a SHARP related incident; ensured the platoon was trained on the importance of reporting and the ramifications of unfavorable action

o performance based NCO; Soldiers processed over 34,000 SARSS data entries with 100% accuracy; a true testament of his ability to train and enforce standards

o lead by example; taught Soldiers in his charge to meet objectives and accomplish critical mission tasks with distinguished results despite absence of senior supervision

o never hesitated when asked to step in and teach classes; completed all her mandatory training in a timely manner establishing the standard for her squad

o improved overall command climate by enforcing SHARP program; led and trained his team on how to Intervene, Act and Motivate

o effectively communicates with soldiers; provides guidance/motivation for subordinates

o planned and supervised more than 3,500 hours of force protection operations in support of base defense at three separate combat outposts

o selected by the unit first sergeant to serve as the rear detachment NCO; displayed solid leadership to ensure all unit taskings were fully accomplished with little guidance

o remained proactive and versatile while performing duties as the unit training room NCO; flawlessly transitioned 47 Soldiers in and out of the unit without discrepancy

o sacrificed countless hours of his personal time to ensure the needs of the Soldiers and Unit were met; ensured all administrative actions were processed efficiently

o ensured all Soldiers within his section were enrolled and completed the Structured Self Development course to enhance Personal and Professional growth

o confidently demonstrated excellent leadership and managerial skills by displaying initiative in taking appropriate and immediate decisions without supervisor's guidance

o constantly set the example through hard work, dedication and motivation which was reflected in his constributions towards mission accomplishment

o confident leader that interacted with installation senior level leaders to quickly solve complex issues that impact daily installation BCT operations

o brings innovative solutions to Engineering missions. Used CPOF technology to track recon missions and integrated this data into topograhical mapping and intel reporting.

o as squad leader, she regularly inspects her soldiers individual weapons and provides on the spot corrections where needed. Maintains 100% accountability of all sensitive items and backs up all inspections with timely, accurate reporting.

o battle focused, uses critical forward thinking skills essential for mission execution.

o tracks her soldiers' qualifications, arranges for additional training and encourages soldiers professional growth

o constantly set the example through hard work, dedication and motivation which was reflected in his Soldiers commitment to mission accomplishment

o encouraged 100% of his Soldiers to further their civilian education resulting in his squad earning __ college credit hours

o meets challenges head on; displays courage, conviction and professionalism daily

o ensured sections imagery products exceeded standards while serving as Imagery NCOIC in a Joint SOF billet; earned laudatory comments from Commanders

o deployed 2 Soldiers and mission critical communications equipment safely with limited or no supervision and guidance

o a true mission oriented leader

o his excellent managerial skills allowed the section to open and manage three clinics with a logistical sound plan in increasing patient safety, care, access and satisfaction

o utilized by Soldiers of the Company for his leadership knowledge for security operations gained through combat experience and the courses he attended during FY10

o maintain a high degree of involvement; worked long hours ensuring newly assigned Soldiers were properly trained and understood the company mission

o ensured company quarterly and annual level training was conducted in accordance with BN standards and guidelines; maintained unit readiness at 100%

o outstanding Senior Enlisted Leader who led from the front; spent countless hours mentoring and developing national guardsmen on required Army operations

o awarded CAB for resolute actions and leadership as Tower Guard during attack of assigned tower in March 2009

o a firm, resolute leader; exemplifies the ideal leader

o performed commendably for 6 months as a Staff Sergeant in a Sergeant First Class position

o two of the last four Soldiers of the Month were from her section

o chosen over 9 Sergeants First Class for Operation Sergeant Assignment

o shares responsibility for Fort Gordon's BOSS program ranking 3 out of 60 other CONUS installations

o personal commitment resulted in S-3 receiving commendables in all areas during the last BCI

o her superb managerial skills pushed our clinic to win the Access to Care award for 3 consecutive years

o trained section to score over 1025 points out of a possible 1200 on the howitzer section evaluation

o mentored and trained soldier who won soldier of the month and soldier of the quarter

o effectively led and inspired sub-standard soldiers to willingly perform to Army standards

o selected as Drill Sergeant of the Cycle

o his dynamic leadership promised and delivered the brigade overall REUP awards two consecutive years

o reduced delinquency rating for his team from 35 percent

o researched, developed and implemented successful OJT program for 30 workcenter personnel

o chosen to brief and demonstrate the M-1 Tank to foreign dignitaries

o supervised PT program; 285 platoon average!

o recognized in writing by the Airborne Association leadership for organizing the finest convention in memory

o his leadership resulted in excellent rating on AMC IG with four commendables in soldier support

o his leadership and expertise ensured the battalion won the USAREUR Supply Excellence Award

o developed two previously marginal dining facilities into Connelly Cup finalists

o distinguished his Bradley on TT VIII during Level II Gunnery with a perfect score of 1000 points

o responsible for 20 of his 21 mechanics earning the Expert Mechanics Badge

o won Battalion Commander's Leadership Award

o his guidance produced a MACOM Connelly winner in Best Field Kitchen competition

o a role model and mentor for other drill sergeants

o performed duties as First Sergeant; obtained excellent results!

o knowledge, experience and military bearing make him a role model NCO

o inspired three soldiers to compete and win Post NCO of the month

o always put soldiers' needs first

o mission accomplishment, care of soldiers and leading by example are his priorities

o implemented a platoon physical training program which increased platoon's APTF average from 245 to 265 while deployed

o solid leader, genuinely cares for soldiers; motivates them to accomplish all missions

o recognized by the Battalion Commander for leadership while conducting combat operations against a Division directed target

o fosters high morale and a total winning attitude and spirit

See FM 6-22 Army Leadership Appendix A for more Leadership bullet comments

Needs Improvement

o constantly needs to be monitored to ensure deadlines are being met

o tends to pass off responsibility of negative observations onto junior subordinates

o exercised poor judgment during off-duty hours; cited for driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated

o exhibited strong inability to lead; showed no focus on future goals

o failed to set the example, driving with junior Soldier in POV after driving privileges were revoked

o demonstrated poor leadership by failing to execute movement timeline which delayed unit transition

o displayed questionable leadership ability; failed to set the example for peers and subordinates through unlawful use of alcohol in a deployed environment

o occasionally failed to prevent off duty conduct from interfering with daily personal accountability; resulted in counseling and professional development involvement

o questionable leadership ability; failed to set the example for junior NCOs and Soldiers

o relieved for misconduct, conduct inconsistent with Army Values

o left his squad unsupervised during Annual Training to operate the masonry saw station; a task typically assigned to a subordinate

o Soldier's flaccid leadership style degraded squad moral by failing to provide guidance, support or confidence to his subordinates

o avoided responsibility whenever possible

o demonstrated a lack of leadership skill; lacks the confidence, managerial skills, and ability to make immediate decisions without supervisor's guidance

o displayed a lack of ability to delegate tasks to subordinates

o her behavior, lack of discipline and failure to follow orders consistently disrupted daily operations in the EWO section and the Tactical Operation Center (TOC)

o performance fluctuated based on emotional outbursts; fostered a toxic environment in her section

o aggressively attacked the missions that seemed important to her

o does not use his free time to improve his knowledge of his MOS to become a more efficent and better leader

o his personal demeanor needs to improve to reflect favorably on the Military Police and NCO Corps

o betrays the trust and loyalty of peers and subordinates alike

o fails to take responsibility for the actions of soldiers under his charge

o places his own personal welfare before that of his subordinates

o fails to live up to the Army values and places no moral emphasis on the Warriors ethos

o lacks the moral conscience of an Army leader

o apprehensive in the face of moral adversity

o is a positive and effective leader but needs more confidence with making immediate decisions without supervisors guidance

o received verbal and written counseling to finish pre-mob training

o needs to respect and follow lawful orders from all superiors in the chain of command regardless of personal thoughts regarding the order

o received verbal and written counseling for insubordination and unprofessional behavior

o lacks enthusiasm for teaching subordinates

o sometimes does not understand the importance of his position; leadership and managerial skills need improvement to qualify for next rank

o sets low expectations and fails to achieve them

o fails to follow up on delegated tasks

o always sought the advice of his subordinates rather than issuing directives when given a task

o failed to mentor his subordinate junior leaders with effective and timely counseling

o exhibited strong ability to lead Soldiers, but often lacked the communication skills and tact required of an effective and credible NCO

o is a positive and effective leader but may need more experience before...

o exhibits strong ability to lead, should now focus on staff skills and communication

o is sometimes unaware of operational picture and often leaves subordinates unsupervised

o needs to realize importance of tact when questioning orders and effect on platoon

o leadership and managerial skills need improvement to qualify for next rank

o had poor rapport with his subordinates and was ineffectual in supervision or delegation of responsibilities

o lagged behind contemporaries in...

o was ineffective and provided no useful guidance

o failed to maintain standards and allowed his workcenter rating to decrease from Excellent to Satisfactory

o perception of favoritism affected morale and discipline within the section

o lacks initiative and managerial skills

o lacks enthusiasm in his duties and has no pride in his performance

o failed to develop subordinates; did not perform mandatory NCO-ER performance counseling

o failed to consistently inspect soldiers and their equipment, decreased unit readiness

o mediocre staff skills contributed to mediocre results during inspection

o fails to understand the importance of his position, avoids responsibility when possible

o avoids responsibility and is a negative influence on his section

o occasional challenge of authority affects his leadership ability with Soldiers

o demonstrates outstanding leadership and management skills but should work on staff skills

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