Cannon Crewmember
NCOER Bullets

Gunnery Sergeant

o instructed [] Soldiers on equipment PMCS; enhanced equipment reliability by 100% and showcased expertise in maintenance

o constructed and executed an effective platoon maintenance plan; resulted in a 50% increase in platoon operational readiness rate over the span of 12 months

o conducted RSOP of several firing points throughout the duration of AT []; resulted in quick and timely occupations when transferring firing points


o supported the platoon leader's tank during a combined arms live fire exercise with a German tank, American scout, and American tank platoon; demonstrated exceptional proficiency and teamwork

o adapted quickly to his duties despite being assigned as a loader at the last minute; integrated with the gun's team and delivered a sterling performance

o participated in training on the MLIDS platform; obtained knowledge and training necessary for certification on the MLIDS trucks in order to conduct real world missions

o loaded over 40 sabot rounds efficiently and safely; worked under pressure and maintained the highest levels of accuracy and safety

o passed level 10 artillery skills proficiency test; helped certify the section and platoon in artillery tables V-XII


o demonstrated excellence within the battalion; competed for and won Non Commissioned Officer of the month for the month of June

o reacted immediately to checkfire call, safely interrupted firing; vigilance prevented further damage

o was selected 1 of 21 sergeants to serve as gunner during the M777A2 NETT fielding receiving commendation from the Battalion Commander for his MOS competence

o held position as Company Master Gunner and Platoon sergeant simultaneously during the Battalion's first structured HBCT stabilized gunnery

o his actions as a Gun two gunner of Charlie Battery, helped his section achieve "Top Gun" for the 2011 Annual Training period

o fired over 5,000 rounds for the Brigade and assisted in the certification of 30 radar section and all of the howitzer section in Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie battery

o selected by BN leadership over two SFCs to serve as the BN Battle NCO due to his experience, attention to detail, and technical and tactical competence

o participated in the fielding and testing of the Rockwell Collins HNV-660 Defense Advanced GPS Receiver (DAGR)

o as BTL CPT, ensured timely and accurate tracking of over 200 patrols moving through the Battalion's OE, providing support and operational updates

o provided secure digital fire support communication equipment for the battalion fire support team

o supervised the rotation of howitzers and the safe and accurate firing of over 250 rounds of illumination in support of area-denial operations in Maysan Province

o graduated WLC with a GPA of 90% and ALC with a GPA of 95%

o developed operational need statement to justify acquisition of the Vector 21B Laser Range Finder for the battalion Fire support team

o certified as a gunner and ammunition team chief with first time gos

o his skill with the platoon's mine roller and mine plow pushed his platoon to first place in the crusader battalion plow and roller mounting competition

o certified as a howitzer section chief

o certified 27 HHB personnel on the Defense Advanced GPS Receiver (DAGR)

o scored above 270 on APFT, 90% in each event

o contributed to the development of lower enlisted soldiers enabling them to certify as gunners and ammunition team chiefs

o supported West Point ROTC cadets with indirect Fires, familiarized 1200+ cadets with field artillery procedures and effects

Platoon Sergeant

o designed, implemented and maintained a rigorous fitness program for his platoon; resulting in the platoon average being raised 43 points in a six month period

o ensured every Soldier is trained to the highest standard

o ensured Soldier discipline, morale, SOP standards, and Army regulations were upheld while serving as Acting First Sergeant

o continued to execute his duties as Platoon Sergeant while serving as Acting First Sergeant

o his vigilance and dedicated efforts kept the commo equipment and crew-served systems operational

Section Chief

o certified as Section Chief and certified first time GO in AT TBL V despite having only a week to train an entirely new crew

o supervised and conducted safe and accurate firing of over 300 155mm artillery rounds during two rotations at Pohakuloa Training Area

o versatile NCO; assigned to every position up to Section Chief

o completed Associates degree during three deployments

o provided 24 hour security which enabled Bravo and Charlie Battery's completion of Table VIII training

o consistently scored expert on the gunners test and over 90 in each APFT event

o distinguished himself by performing at a level commensurate with a much higher rank

o faciliated and trained Company C Soldiers on Field Sanitation and Combat Life Saver Courses

o placed second out of thirteen sections in the batallion top gun competition

o graduated honor grad from BNCOC

o assumed responsibility for the battalion M2 range ammunition supply point; managed safety, ammunition storage and pick up, and operations

o trained newly assigned Commander and Section Chiefs on the Paladin leaders course

o led a fire team on dozens of combat missions in the highly volatile district of Shajoy in Zabul Province

o fired over 1000 rounds during several ranges accurately and safely

o stepped up and assumed responsibility for duties well above his pay grade

o fired the first M982 precision guided munition in theater

o successfully planned and executed the dismounted portion of seven combat missions

o relocated Paladins to combat outpost and established firing capabilities during OIF V

o supported numerous Change of Command ceremonies as a member of the salute battery


o demonstrated the know how and competence to train Soldiers to set fuses and charges on a variety of munitions for high explosive artillery rounds

Installing Fuse on Artillery Round

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