o stepped up in the absence of our FSNCO and assumed the duty in order to lead our team through live fire exercises successfully
o completed high quality bi-lateral training with the Royal Thai Army with minimal guidance
o conducted several 1-27IN live fire events with zero incidents
o fired over 3,000 rounds for the Brigade and assisted in certifying 30 RADAR section and all howitzer section in in Bravo alpha and Charlie battery
o volunteered to deploy with Bravo in support of OIF 10 and OND
o as co FSNCO, led the battalion JFOs during several training events
o provided outstanding digital operator support during Ulchi Freedom Guardian (UFG) Exercise and Division Combine Training Exercise (CTX)
o served with distinction while supporting West Point ROTC cadets with indirect Fires
o was instrumental in the successful firing of over 1500 rounds resulting in 1,000 West Point cadets becoming more familiar with field artillery
o assisted in the maintenance and accountability of equipment valued at over $600,000
o recognized as outstanding operator of all Fire Support digital systems
o ensured all fire support coordination measures were in place and accurately updated
o arranged and performed fielding testing for Rockwell Collins DAGR SDA system
o DAGR Certified 25 personal from HHB and 9 from Bravo
o provided digital fire support communication equipment for the battalion fire support team
o assisted with the clearance of fires/air de-confliction for all fire support missions during Division Combined Training Exercise, UFG and Yama Sakura
o acquired and provided operational need statement to obtain Viper Vector 21B Laser range finder for the battalion Fire support team
o led the fires brigade in fire support technology being the only FIST to be fully digital and operating a Viper Vector 21B
o conducted call for fire NCOPD & OPD for the the Officer and NCO of the battalion to better understand fire support
o maintained a strong emphasis on battle drills, maximizing indirect fire assets in all contacts
o made sound judgement for the planning and execution of numerious fire support assets in support of troop operations
o totally committed to the Army's mission; displays the highest degree of integrity and loyalty
o exceptionally strong in character; exhibits tactical and technical competence
o clearly demonstrates the moral and physical courage to stand up for his principles
o showed loyalty and dedication to mission and Soldiers even under adverse conditions by continuing to push forward but needs to fully understand the importance of all the Army Values
o motivated at times but failed to uphold, maintain and portray the standards of Army Values in their entirety as expected of an NCO
o selected to fulfill the duties and responsibilities as both a SFAAT Personnel Security Detachment NCOIC and SFAAT Platoon Sergeant for a team of 24 personnel.
o successfully balanced the duties of both SFAAT Platoon Sergeant and PSD NCOIC during rapidly changing mission requirements in three separate areas of operations
o confidently displayed his technical and tactical knowledge; managed the security detail for over 15 Shurras and numerous daily meetings with Local National Leaders
o fulfilled the duties and responsibilities as an SFAAT PSD Rifle Squad Leader in charge of five Soldiers and the over watch and security of a team of 24 personnel
o confidently displayed his abilities in both technical and tactical knowledge; provided security for over 15 Shurras with Local National Leaders and numerous daily meetings
o proved his ability to quickly adapt to changing and demanding requirements of all situations; took on every task with confidence and purpose without question or fail
o fulfilled the duties and responsibilities as SFAAT Operations Sergeant and Senior Fires NCO as well as ANCOP maintenance team mentor flawlessly in combat zone
o proved his ability to quickly adapt to changing and demanding requirements of all situations; took on every task with confidence and purpose
o took every opportunity for self improvement even in the fast paced and continuous demands of forward combat operations by completing SSD level 3
o successfully performed duties as the S1 Personnel NCO in a continuously changing OPTEMPO and battle rhythm while assigned to multiple Battle Space Owners.
o performance above average on occasions but erratic and undependable at times; lacks the maturity level required to perform duties as an NCO at this time
o assisted in developing the first ever ANCOP Leaders book; received praise by the ANCOP Commanding General and adopted as the basis of all future Leaders books
o set the standard of expectations of an NCO and leader resulting in three Soldiers of the SFAAT being recognized for excellence by the 4th ID Commander, MG Anderson
o provided leadership skills needed in the accomplishment of SFAAT missions by combining his in depth knowledge of the needs of mission and his Soldiers
o spent countless hours preparing his team through the use of crew drills and battle drills that ensured the mission readiness of his soldiers throughout the deployment.
o displayed clear mind set with determined mental focus while remaining flexible in supporting an ever changing OPTEMPO throughout Afghanistan Theater of Operations
o led from the front; epitomized what every NCO should be; aggressive, intelligent, and a value based leader that inspired and cared for his Soldiers
o one of eight soldiers recognized by the 4th ID Commander, MG Anderson and numerous SFAAT Commanders for leadership excellence receiving commanders coin
o displayed professional leadership while remaining flexible and mission focused during rapidly changing requirements under three different Battle Space Owners
o conscientiously prepared the plan for transition for his team from combat operations through the relief in place process to maximize adaptability for new SFAAT team
o embraced the need to improve, when identified, his leadership skills by taking on additional responsibilities pertaining to Soldier development
o has the potential to be an effective leader but needs to build and strengthen leadership skills; needs further development to assume role and position as an NCO
o portrayed firm military bearing and mental toughness demonstrating to his Soldiers, peers and seniors his can do attitude and clear resolve in any situation
o challenged his soldiers to better themselves by conducting a rigorous physical fitness program; conducted one APFT while participating in combat operations
o unbelievable mental and physical endurance; set the example in all aspects of his duties, managed multiple tasks above standards in stressful situations
o set the example in all aspects of his duties, managed multiple tasks above standards in stressful situations; meeting all deadlines and completing all tasks before required
o developed physical training plan while in combat zone to enhance team performance
o unbelievable endurance; worked countless hours for Soldiers and their Families
o strived and made significant progress in standard overall military bearing while assigned to the SFAT team; continues to grow personally and professionally
o failed to meet both APFT and height and weight screening standards
o prepared and conducted multiple drivers and maintenance train the trainer courses for the 2-2 ANCOP Kandak in support of ISAF's "Afghans in the lead" campaign
o instrumental in the success of SFAT Team 33 being recognized as the Top SFAAT Mentor Team out of 47; steadfast pursuit for excellence in mentorship and training
o empowered and mentored soldiers and other JR NCO's by implementation team member developed, conducted and peer evaluated classes; evaluated 22 classes
o developed, prepared and conducted counter IED "train the trainer" courses for the 2-2 ANCOP Kandak in support of ISAF's "Afghans in the lead" campaign
o instrumental in the success of SFAT Team 33 being recognized as the Top SFAT Mentor Team out of 47; steadfast pursuit for excellence in mentorship and training.
o assisted in the mentorship and training of seven local national linguists in basic instructor responsibilities; expanding the role of linguists as assistant instructor
o developed and implemented training models for maintenance and drivers training that were adopted and made doctrine by the ANCOP Brigade to ensure self sustainment
o successfully mentored and trained seven local national linguists in basic instructor responsibilities; expanding the role of linguists as assistant instructor
o dedicated countless hours training and mentoring junior leaders on responsibilities and duties; to include the caring for all Soldiers needs and self-improvement
o successfully completed the Joint Fires Observer Course in preparation for duties as SFAT FSO in support of ISAF Operations throughout Afghanistan
o performed to standard assigned internal team and ANCOP counterpart training on multiple occasions that assisted in the overall mission success
o oversaw the maintenance of four MATV's; team was able to conduct of over 100 total successful Combat, Joint Forces and Logistical patrols without incident
o held a standard of safety and accountability not commonly seen in NCO's of his grade; overseen accountability of over 6 million dollars of equipment without loss
o managed maintenance of four MATV's insuring all were fully mission capable; completed combination of over 100 total Combat, Joint Forces and Logistical patrols
o established his unquestionable integrity and willingness to take responsibility for his actions and of his Soldiers; took immediate action to address and correct any issues
o fostered an environment that put emphasis on composite risk management; resulting in zero accidents during this rated period
o headed a rigorous maintenance program for four MATV's resulting in an O/R rating of 100% which contributed to of over 40 successful combat patrols without incident
o designed from concept to executing a CASEVAC modification for the MATV that proved to be highly effective; his ingenuity was reflected in every faucet of operations
o fostered an environment that put emphasis on composite risk management; resulting in zero accidents during this rated period
o took responsibility for his actions and worked to insure that he took a lessons learned forward moving attitude towards his responsibilities and accountability as a Soldier
o works extremely well with above standards results with supervision but needs to develop his ability to work independently
o promote to Master Sergeant ahead of peers; will excel in positions of increased responsibilities
o select for advanced NCO schooling and assign to the most challenging duty positions available; he will exceed all expectations
o unsurpassed proficiency as a manager of personnel; unlimited potential to serve in areas of higher responsibility; commands excellence and expects nothing less
o led from the front; epitomized what every NCO should be; aggressive, intelligent, and a value based leader that inspired and cared for his Soldiers
o demote to SPC immediately
o develop leadership skills prior to being considered for NCOES schooling
o performs at a level below what is expected of a junior leader
o place in assignments with strong emphasis on developing basic leadership abilities
o during the leader training program at Fort Irwin, service member was able to fight and win as a functional member of the team