MOS 13J, Fire Control Specialist, NCOER Bullets

MOS 13D and 13P merged to form MOS 13J

POC Chief

o successfully processed 29 missions during lanes at annual training

o organized and led a team in making map boards for the entire platoon during annual training

o ensured that critical material was in possession for conduction classes in billeting

o ensured soldiers were paid for drill two weeks after every drill and that soldiers received information for upcoming drills

Fire Control NCO

o delivered safe and accurate firing data to the gun line for 78 fire missions, resulting in the effective deployment of 200 rounds

o trained 3 FDC soldiers on AFATDS operations and radio etiquette; expanded and enhanced the team's operational capabilities

o served as FDC Chief, AFATDS operator, and RTO with minimal support; sustained illumination operations for front line

o continued working after fire missions were completed; ensured the FDC was fully prepared for the following day's operations

o developed visual material in order to support training of PMCAS and PTMAS; contributed to the PFM Net group and streamlined fielding

o served as Senior Fire Control NCO in excess of 45 days during rated period; successfully maintained 100% BDE FCE capabilities

o contributed to the success of three LFX cannon missions during the first joint exercise with the 82nd Airborne Division since 2009

Fire Control Sergeant

o utilizing his expertise in fire direction, he optimized platoon FDC crew drills, reducing fire mission processing times by over 25 seconds on average

o demonstrated exceptional academic performance with a 3.83 GPA; dedicated to personal growth and leadership development

o organized and executed multiple BN and BDE DSTs; enhanced communication efficiency among BTRY FDCs

o planned & taught communication/database management classes at BN FDC University, enhancing knowledge for 30 personnel

o entrusted to facilitate Battalion Operations; produced over 10 Battalion level Weekly Tasking Orders

o motivated subordinates through personal experience; influenced SM to enroll in college, fostering professional development

o demonstrated exceptional performance as Fire Control NCO during NTC rotation 23-4

o assisted in revising the 1-37 FA digital TACSOP improving BOC and POC changeovers with faster digital firing capabilities

o trained and lead Gunnery Group 2 to the highest scores during FY18 Sustainment Gunnery Operations

o 736th CRC took the top two positions including TOP GUN, due to his leadership and expert knowledge

o served as vehicle operator, RTO, and AFATDS operator while deployed

o served as the Fire Direction Center's radio telephone operator, provided continuous support

o as the fire support representative in the SOTF Tactical Operations Center, he effectively tracked and managed fire support assets required for SOTF operations

o earned a final grade of 97% which placed him within the top 20% of the class in Warriors Leaders Course

o served as the BDE RTO during the deployment

Platoon Sergeant

o completed over 100 missions from 2014 to 2016 during which he acted as convoy commander over 100 times with zero losses

o earned Honor Grad for Senior Leader Course (Field Artillery Data Systems Specialist) at the Field Artillery NCO Academy at Ft Sill

o supervised the FDC section on the ASPT training which attained 100% qualification

o helped close 1AD DIV ARTY in Baumholder; preserved, salvaged, and transported 90% of mission-essential equipment

o trained and qualified on all positions throughout the FDC

o provided a realistic lane for the members of 583rd BSB during CTE

o encouraged adoption of changes to the SECFOR SOP that enhanced readiness

o assumed Platoon Sergeant postion with no notice, maintained operations tempo, did not deviate from established standards

Fire Direction Computer

o trained his Soldiers on the Sentinel radar and the FAAD computer system

o served as AFATDS operator, RTO, Supply Specialist, and vehicle operator while assigned

o deployed to Afghanistan in support of OEF IX-X; performance exceeded the standard in all areas

o selected to act as the Fire Direction Center's radio telephone operator

o supported the 1-10FA Gunnery at Bani Rabia Range as the SOG for the security element

o motivated the rest of the platoon to provide 24-hour security for the Bani Rabia Range which enabled Alpha and Bravo Batteries' completion of Table VIII training

o developed PMCS and instructed soldiers on equipment maintenance and troubleshooting of communications equipment

o assisted UMO with packing and documenting movement of equipment and personnel to Kuwait

o executed MOB training requirements which resulted in 100% trained status

o received a CAB and Mechanics badge while deployed to a combat zone

o served as Guidon bearer for the Fort Sill Field Artillary Half section

Tactical Data System Operator

o managed 3 howitzers during Artillery Table XII with an average time of three minutes from the Call For Fire to rounds impacting

o utilized the Joint Battle Command Platform (JBC-P) effectively; enabled transition to new tool and improved efficiency

o trained peers and superiors on the capabilities of and proper use of the JBCP; multipled section effectiveness

o performed beyond expectations; increased the effectiveness of the battery as a whole

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