Special Forces Intel Sergeant
Duty Descriptions

Intelligence Sergeant
Serves as Detachment Intelligence Sergeant for a Special Forces Operational Detachment-Alpha (SFOD-A) specializing in Foreign Internal Defense for the AFRICOM AOR; responsible for intelligence and counterintelligence in the area of operations to include collection, analysis, biometrics, area studies and operational security; maintains Detachment security clearances; questions and processes enemy prisoners of war and civilian detainees; questions the local populace to acquire information; assists the operations sergeant in preparing briefs, operations plans, concept of operations and operations orders; organizes, trains, assists, directs, or leads indigenous forces up to company size.

Special Forces Intelligence Sergeant
Provides tactical and technical guidance to the Detachment Commander and indigenous and allied personnel; employs conventional and unconventional warfare tactics and techniques in intelligence collection and processing; plans, organizes, trains, assists and supervises indigenous and allied personnel in collection and processing of intelligence information; performs intelligence and operational duties when task organized in preparation (isolation) for special missions and during operations; develops operation plans, orders and supporting annexes; trains and maintains proficiency in all major duties.

Special Forces Intelligence Sergeant
Provides intelligence support to the Detachment Commander and indigenous and allied personnel; conducts briefings, briefbacks and debriefings; establishes intelligence nets; conducts agent handling and prepares agent reports within the operational area; establishes identity of detainees through fingerprinting; processes prisoners of war; writes and establishes security plans and performs security duties; maintains all classified documents in the operational area and establishes destruction and evacuation plans; provides area specialist assistance to the detachment, SF, U.S. Army, sister services and other agencies.

10-18F. MOS 18F - Special Forces Intelligence Sergeant (SF Intel SGT), CMF 18 (Effective 202208)

a. Major duties. Special Forces Intelligence Sergeant prepares intelligence estimate (analysis) during mission planning and preparation (isolation); employs conventional and unconventional techniques of intelligence collection and processing during unilateral, combined, coalition, joint, interagency, and multi-national operations; plans, organizes, trains, advises, assists, and supervises indigenous and allied personnel on collection and processing of intelligence information; establishes intelligence networks and personnel identification through fingerprinting and other means; processes prisoners of war and detainees; establishes security plan and performs security duties; maintains all classified documents in the operational area and establishes destruction and evacuation plans; conducts threat vulnerability assessments; provides area specialist assistance to U.S. forces and outside agencies. Duties for MOS 18F at each level are:

(1) MOSC 18F3O. (Personnel Only). MOS used to identify Soldiers accessed into MOS 18F prior to obtaining grade SFC.

(2) MOSC 18F4O. Trains and maintains proficiency in all major duties; conducts conventional and unconventional intelligence activities in a Joint Interagency Intergovernmental Multinational (JIIM) environment; analyzes security and force protection in a JIIM environment; conducts comprehensive intelligence preparation of the environment; utilizes analytical skills to develop intelligence products; performs data management utilizing the appropriate intelligence architecture; recommends and validates PIR/IR; facilitates the SOF targeting process; conducts collection management of organic assets and coordinates for outside Intel support; supports and leverages Advanced Special Operations Techniques (ASOT); plans and supports assisted and unassisted personnel recovery and evasion operations; manages the collection priorities for Sensitive Site Exploitation; drives the intelligence portion of the MDMP; assists the detachment leadership in planning and executing operations.

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