Chief Medical NCO
NCOER Bullets


o communicated and coordinated with the NEMHS Hospital CEO, Medical Director, Director of Nursing and EMS Director to deliver care

o supervised the operation of the Aid Station, sick call, and patient care; promoted esprit de corps and soldier medical readiness

o balanced the use of resources by the SPEER clinic and the Guard Force; enabled Combat Lifesaver recertification, Medic Tables Training, and field medical resources

o ensured over 800 patients received specialized medical, dental and optometry care to maintain overall health and wellness in the community

o streamlined mission patient flow and tracking; oversaw care for over 700 patients during the 7-day exercise

o facilitated timely care for several challenging medical cases at the Role 1 Air Force Medical Clinic on Camp Lozano

o established a Battalion-wide SOP for assessing Medical Readiness; developed weekly MEDPROS Readiness tracker, improving medical readiness assessment

o enforced standards and recommended practices for the safe handling and transportation of over 1,000 contaminated surgical instrument sets

o coordinated training of enlisted and prepared them for successful WAREX exercise

o anticipated and helped plan equipment and infrastructure needed for the clinical operations section in the WAREX exercise

o innovative at devising alternative solutions

o assumed senior NCOIC position in the Clinical Operations section and executed the duties with a high level of enthusiasm

o encouraged a positive training environment by encouraging teamwork

o provided a positive training environment by clear and defined goals and responsibilities within the Clinical Operations section

o proficient trainer; the Sergeant Major is constantly training Soldiers

o encouraged a positive training environment by encouraging teamwork

o provided a positive training environment by clear and defined goals and responsibilities within the Clinical Operations section

o proficient trainer; the Sergeant Major is constantly training Soldiers

o identified and sorted Clinical Operation materials which had not been full classified in several years

o cleaned out, and supervised the packing of CONNEXes for use by the Clinical Operations section for the WAREX

o distinguished himself from his peers with dedication to Soldier welfare; showed genuine concern for his Soldiers through teaching, mentorship, and involvement

Medical personnel Henry Blake and Radar O'Reilly

Chief Medical NCO

o served as the S6 OIC for the 313th hospital center's staff assist visit of the 385th field hospital; enabled the inspection to cover all functional areas

o filled in as the S6 during the Staff Assist Visit; allowed the 385th field hospital to achieve an overall score of 80% and prepared them for their upcoming command inspection

o served as truck commander on over 40 ISAF and ANA combined CLPs throughout RC East battlespace, resulted in zero injuries, loss of life, or damage to equipment

o provided critical Warrior Task Training Skills to countless Soldiers and Airmen; prepared them for overseas deployment success

o developed and implemented a medical support plan for an outlying FOB, including combined ISAF and ANA mass casualty plan and casualty collection points

o prepared Jackson Barracks for the Annual Periodic Health Assessment with meticulous and thorough review and preparation

o devoted to developing the next generation of leaders; challenges troops to perform to highest standards

o served as the subject matter expert on military and tactical medicine principles; developed realistic and invaluable medical skills training for medical personnel

o facilitated primary care as a member of the Community Hospital team; promoted combat readiness for active duty, National Guard and Reservists

o led both the 756th ASMC team and the Med-Det soldiers to exceed standards in accomplishing scheduled and unscheduled tasks

o played critical role in preparing and executing FEMA Region 2's Homeland Response Force; validated plans during two external evaluations by JITEC

o provided the staff with historical context and valuable insight into the evaluation board process; improved disposition effectiveness

o kept the 756th ASMC and Med-Det troops focused on the mission and demonstrated a contagious positive attitude for the troops

o streamlined processes; processed 388 passengers in record time to support emergency deployment tasking

o provided over 70 supportive therapy counseling sessions and conducted over 100 Behavioral Health intakes for members assigned and attached to the 3rd Infantry Division

o provided a high level of care to soldiers and excellent training opportunities for the 1-157 Infantry Medical platoon during Annual Training

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