Event-oriented Counseling

Event-oriented counseling addresses a specific event or situation. It may precede events, such as going to a promotion board or attending a school, or it may follow events, such as noteworthy duty performance, a problem with performance, or a personal problem.

Examples of event-oriented counseling include, but are not limited to instances of superior or substandard performance, reception and integration counseling, crisis counseling, referral counseling, promotion counseling, and separation counseling.

Remember this timeless advice before counseling.

Positive Counseling

Soldier Positive Counseling Examples

General Positive Counseling Examples

NCO Positive Counseling Examples

Positive Counseling Examples [SSG P]

Dress and Appearance

Tongue Piercing Counseling

Counseling for Haircut

Shaving/Facial Hair Counseling

Counseling for Shaving

Promotion Counseling

Promotion Board Declination

Newly Promoted Counseling

Promotion Not Recommended, NCO

Not Recommended for Promotion

Promotion Counseling (not recommended) .xfdl

Non-Promotion Counseling

Non-Promotion Counseling

Promotion Requirements

Promotion Recommended

Promotion Recommended, NCO

You're Not Getting an Award

Promotion Board Counseling

Promotion Board Importance

Memorandum for Promotion Board

Promotion Board Memorandum

Counseling for Promotion Board (xfdl)

Recommended for Promotion Board (.doc)

Promotion Counseling, Recommended(.xfdl)

Failure to Report

Missing from Place of Duty

Unexcused Absence (ARNG)

Missed Drill (ARNG)

Failure to Report

Failure to Report

AWOL Counseling

Failure to Report to PT

Failure to Report, Physical Training

Failure to Report, Formation

Missed Formation

Failure to Report for Formation

Missed Formation Counseling

Failure to Report for Formation

Missed Accountability Formation (.doc)

Missed Appointment

Missed Medical Appointment

Missed Appointment Counseling

Counseling for Missed Appointment

Speeding/ Reckless Driving/ POV

Speeding/ License Suspension

Ran Stop Sign, No Insurance

Speeding Counseling

Speeding Ticket Counseling

Reckless Driving Counseling

USAREUR Speeding Ticket (.xfdl)

POV Counseling

Drove POV to the Range

Leave Counseling

Low Leave Balance Counseling

COVID-19 Leave Counseling

COVID Leave Counseling (pdf)

Leave & Pass Counseling

Leave & Pass Policy

Leave Counseling

Leave Counseling

PCS Leave Counseling

Regular Leave Counseling

Convalescent Leave Counseling (.xfdl)

ASAP Counseling

Alcohol Abuse Counseling

Failure to Report/ASAP Failure

Underage Drinking

Underage Drinking

ASAP Referral Counseling (.xfdl)

Drug Use Counseling (.doc)

Drinking While in ASAP

Drinking While in ASAP

DUI Counseling

DUI Counseling

Letter of Reprimand, Drinking

Barracks Counseling

Barracks Hours Violation

Barracks Privacy Violation

Barracks Standards Counseling

Unauthorized Visitor in Barracks

Flag/Flag Removal Counseling

Flag Counseling

Monthly Flag Review

Flag Removal

Flag Termination

Bar to Continued Service

Flag for Adverse Action

Personal Hygiene Counseling

Personal Hygiene/Body Odor

Personal Hygiene/Uniform

How to Counsel on Personal Hygiene

Financial Counseling

DA Form 4856 Financial Counseling

Debt Counseling

Government Travel Card Counseling

Government Travel Card (GTCC) Counseling

APFT Failure Counseling

Failed Record ACFT Counseling

Failed Record APFT Counseling

Failure to Show for APFT

APFT Failure Counseling

APFT Failure Counseling

APFT Counseling

DA 4856 APFT Failure Counseling

APFT Failure Counseling (xfdl)

Weight/Body Composition

Army Body Composition Program Release

Weight Control Program Removal (.docx)

Weight Control Program Counseling (.doc)

ABCP Counseling

Lost CAC/ID Card Counseling

Lost ID card Counseling

Lost ID card/Property Counseling

Lost Common Access Card (CAC) Counseling

Accountability Counseling

Accountability Counseling

Elective/ Cosmetic Surgery

Lying about Insurance

False Statements

False Official Statement Counseling (.doc)

Destruction of Government Property

Hand Receipt Counseling

Accountability Counseling

Lost Equipment Counseling

Accountability Counseling

Wall Locker Issue Counseling

Lateness Counseling

DA Form 4856 for Lateness (.xfdl)

DA Form 4856 for Lateness (.htm version)

Lateness Counseling

Insubordination Counseling

Insubordination Counseling

Bad Attitude Counseling

Insubordinate Conduct

Disrespect Toward an NCO Example

Disrespect Shown to an NCO

Disrespect Toward an NCO Example .doc

Dereliction of Duty Counseling

Unattended Weapon

Failure to Follow Instructions

Straggling Counseling

Malingering Counseling

Dereliction - Supervision

Dereliction - Training

Dereliction - Leaving Post

Dereliction - SFC

Dereliction - Exercise

Failure to Follow Instructions

Failure to Follow Instructions

Failure to Follow Instructions (Field)

Failure to Enforce Standards

Education/Schools Counseling

Simultaneous Membership Program

BLC Selection Counseling

BLC Counseling Example

BLC Attendance Counseling

ARNG School Counseling

Course Counseling

NCOES Course Failure Counseling

Distance Learning Counseling

Tuition Assistance Counseling

GT Score Improvement

No Contact/Protective Order

Domestic Violence Counseling

No Contact Order, Initial

No Contact Order, Adjustment

Marriage Counseling

Premarital Counseling

Marriage Counseling

Marriage Counseling

Divorce Counseling

Family Care Plan Counseling

Family Care Plan Counseling 2024

Family Care Plan Counseling

Family Care Plan Counseling II

Miscellaneous Counseling

Professionalism Counseling

Medical Retirement Counseling

Voluntary Separation

Discharge for Mental Health

Social Media Counseling

ETS Counseling

Counseling for ETS

Privately Owned Weapon (POW)

Overseas & Foreign Travel Brief

Religious Accommodation, Ramadan

Mask Policy Counseling

Risk Assessment Counseling

Chain of Command Counseling

Failure to use Chain of Command

Off-duty Employment Counseling

Fraternization or Improper Relationship

Corrective Training

Accessory After the Fact

Drill with Wrong UIC

Pregnancy Counseling

Pregnancy Counseling Example

ARNG Annual Training Counseling

Summary Court Martial (.xfdl)

SGLI Premiums in Drill/No-Pay Status

Counseling on SGLI Election (.xfdl)

Failure to Prepare for Field

Deployment Counseling

MOSQ/Reclass Training

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5-13. Sometimes counseling is tied to specific instances of superior or substandard duty performance. For example, you tell your soldier whether or not the performance met the standard and what the soldier did right or wrong. The key to successful counseling for specific performance is to conduct the counseling session as close to the time of the event as possible.

5-14. When counseling a soldier for specific performance take the following actions:

Tell the soldier the purpose of the counseling, what was expected and how they failed to meet the standard.

Address the specific unacceptable behavior or action, not the person's character.

Tell the soldier the effect of the performance on the rest of the unit.

Actively listen to the soldier's response.

Remain unemotional.

Teach the soldier how to meet the standard.

Be prepared to do some personal counseling since the lack of performance may be related to or the result of a personal problem.

Explain to the soldier what will be done to improve performance (plan of action). Identify your responsibilities in implementing the plan of action.

Continue to assess and follow-up on the soldier's progress. Adjust the plan of action as necessary.

Reception and Integration Counseling

5-15. Leaders must counsel new team members when they report in. Reception and integration counseling serves two purposes: First, it identifies and helps fix any problems or concerns that new members have, especially any issues resulting from the new duty assignment. Second, it lets them know the unit standards and how they fit into the team. Reception and integration counseling starts the team building process and lets the soldier know the leadership cares. Reception and integration counseling clarifies job titles and it sends the message that the chain of command cares. Reception and integration counseling should begin immediately upon arrival so new team members can quickly become integrated into the organization. Figure 5-3 gives some possible discussion points.

FM 7-22 Fig 5-3

Crisis Counseling

5-16. You may conduct crisis counseling to get a soldier through the initial shock after receiving negative news, such as notification of the death of a loved one. You help the soldier by listening and providing assistance, as appropriate. Assistance may include referring the soldier to a support activity or coordinating external agency support. Crisis counseling focuses on the soldier's immediate, short-term needs.

Referral Counseling

5-17. Referral counseling helps soldiers work through a personal situation and may follow crisis counseling. Referral counseling also acts as preventative counseling before the situation becomes a problem. Usually, the leader assists the soldier in identifying the problem.

5-18. Outside agencies can help leaders resolve problems. Although it is generally in an individual's best interest to seek help first from his first line leader, leaders must always respect an individual's right to contact these agencies on their own. Leaders can refer the soldier to the appropriate resource, such as Army Community Services, a Chaplain, or a substance abuse counselor. Additional information on support activities can be found in Appendix B, Army Programs or in FM 6-22 (22-100), Appendix C.

Helping soldiers cope with personal problems means more than referring the soldier to another person- the chaplain, a doctor, or counselor. Until the problem is resolved, you have a soldier with a problem in your unit, so it's your problem. Let your soldiers know what you're doing to help them solve their problems.

FM 22-600-20, The Army Noncommissioned Officer Guide, 1980

Promotion Counseling

5-19. Commanders or their designated representatives must conduct promotion counseling for all specialists, corporals and sergeants who are eligible for advancement without waiver, but are not recommended for promotion to the next higher grade. Army regulations require that soldiers within this category receive initial (event-oriented) counseling when they attain full eligibility and then periodic (performance and personal growth) counseling at least quarterly.

Adverse Separation Counseling

5-20. Adverse separation counseling may involve informing the soldier of the administrative actions available to the commander in the event substandard performance continues and of the consequences associated with those administrative actions. (See AR 635-200, Chapter 1, paragraph 1-16 and Chapter 17.)

5-21. Developmental counseling may not apply when a soldier has engaged in more serious acts of misconduct. In those situations, the leader should refer the matter to the commander and the servicing staff judge advocate's office. When the leader's rehabilitative efforts fail, counseling with a view towards separation fills an administrative prerequisite to many administrative discharges and serves as a final warning to the soldier to improve performance or face discharge. In many cases, it may be beneficial to involve the chain of command as soon as you determine that adverse separation counseling might be required. The first sergeant or commander should inform the soldier of the notification requirements outlined in AR 635-200.

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